Waiting on a Miracle

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Day 6

Today is officially called Day 6...because my first day of shots was considered day 3! Anyway, I want to thank you all for encouraging me & keeping me going. I have stopped a few times the past few days to ask myself "What the hell am I doing?" I still can't believe that my life has come to several daily injections! However, I will gladly poke myself if it means a healthy baby in the end!

I had an ultrasound / bloodwork appointment this morning. The doctor said that the follies seem to be growing fine. She said, "not too much & not too little." Part of me wants to take that at face value & think "Yeah everything is OK" the other part of me is disecting the ultrasound...how many follies should I have? What are my chances of getting enough eggs to do PGD? The big question for me right now is, how is my bloodwork? I am waiting for the nurse to call with my bloodwork results and my next set of instructions.

I haven't decided if I am going to answer the phone, or just let voice mail pick it up. If I answer the phone, I can grill the nurse & find out all my measurements & follie count...(I think it was 12 & 11 on the right with 6 small & 12 on the left with 5 small)...if I let voice mail answer, then I can replay the message over & over to make sure I have all the directions right! This is such banal crap & I am putting so much effort into deciding if I am answering the phone or not!

Oh well, I guess that is all for now...the shots are going OK...the worst one is the Lovenox in my thigh! I wish I could still do it in my stomach, but I guess it is more important to have the stim shots there! Well, take care & thanks for all your support!!! Luv ya, Cara

PS -- The nurse called back & I was driving...so I let my voice mail answer because I couldn't take notes & drive at the same time! She said that my estrogen levels are increasing "very nicely" and they want me to keep the same dosage of drugs! I don't know why, but I am very happy about that! I have to go back in on Monday (Day 8) for another u/s and more bloodwork.


  • At 12:25 AM, Blogger Crista said…

    Hiya Cara! I love how positive you sound in this post, and I remain SO excited for you! I feel for you on the shots, though of course I'm not doing anywhere near as many as you. Oh, I meant to respond to you before (and now it's a little late anyway) but I do my lovenox shots in my torso, not thigh, so I couldn't really help ya there. I'm sorry it's kind of rough. As always, I'm thinking of you and routing for you 110%!!


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