Waiting on a Miracle

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Oh the Silly Games I Play!

Earlier this week, a good friend from college called and asked if I wanted to go with her to a "Tricky Tray" on Friday, October 1st. Being the lame, boring person that I am...I had no plans so I decided to go! On my way to the event, I was stuck in terrible traffic, so I started a silly game. I said to myself, "if I win something tonight, then that means I will have a baby." At the time, it seemed reasonable...
Tricky Tray Win=Baby!

I eventually made my way through the traffic and found myself spending tons of money on tickets for some beautiful prizes. There were so many cute baskets with children's clothes & games. I put tickets in many of those with thoughts of either giving them to my niece and nephew...or giving them away to my friends' kids. There were over 250 prizes to be won...how could my silly game go wrong?

As the night progressed, and they started calling numbers, I soon realized that my game was a huge mistake. By the time the 100th prize was called, I started to make a new game in my head..."if I don't win then I will have a baby." I wasn't sure if that would null and void my first game though! So I sat in my seat trying to act like I was OK with not winning because the proceeds were going to a good cause. At this point, all of the people I was sitting with, started winning basket after basket. Some of the people sitting with me had 3 prizes. I started getting pissed that they made it look so easy! Then came my big break, I won a door prize...a black tee-shirt with an advertisement on it that was a size XL. Compared to my friend's winnings, this looked like crap...but could I justify it as something won? I kept thinking that this door prize was like a tease. Was it really a win? I was now beginning to wonder which game was actually in play...the one were Tricky Tray Win=Baby, or my second thought of No Prize=Baby. My head was spinning!!

I started a new game at this point, that if I win something else, it would mean baby. Well, my luck was not changing....all the people around me kept winning more & more prizes...while I sat there with my black tee-shirt. The night was quickly coming to an end & I decided that I was going to leave the tee-shirt there. (I had just cleaned out all the drawers in our house & gave a huge bag of tee-shirts to good will...why do I need another one?) I then starting convincing myself that my thoughts were so stupid because obviously this tricky tray has no bearing on my TTC efforts. How stupid could I be?

At this point, there was only one more prize left, the "Grand Prize". I only had 1 ticket for this prize, and to my disbelief, I won it!!! I couldn't believe it! But the question remains....which game was in play...
the Tricky Tray Win=Baby or No prize=Baby?????
Or does the tricky tray have no effect on my reproductive life???????

I guess time will tell which game was in play during this ever important Tricky Tray! I will never know if the tricky tray was independent of my TTC efforts, because I will forever attribute a baby or no baby to the winnings of that night!

(Sorry this post is so demented...it should give you a glimpse of my inner brain that is really screwed up! )


  • At 12:07 AM, Blogger Crista said…

    LOL Cara! I was smiling throughout this post (while also cheering you on to win a prize...the anticpation was getting to me!) since this sounds just like something I would do.

    I'm constantly thinking or saying things in such a way because I'm always worried about "jinxing" things, and reading into every little thing in terms of how it might relate to my fertility/ You are not alone, girlfiend, no worries there!!

    Hope you are feeling better...I am here cheering you on this cycle, as always!!!!

    Oh, and OF COURSE the first game was in play. Tricky Tray Win = Baby WITHOUT A DOUBT. You can't switch bets mid-game (at least not this time)! :)

  • At 10:15 AM, Blogger Summer Girl said…

    I was cracking up and on the edge of my seat the entire post! It so sounds like something I would have done!! Oh, and Crista is right... there is no changing mid-game!! That big door prize most certainly means baby! I'm wishing you lots of luck this cycle!

  • At 11:41 AM, Blogger Patty said…

    Well Ms. Cara...if THAT is not some kind of a sign I don't know what is. THE GRAND PRIZE???? I have played the very same game and the rules clearly state on line three subsection 2 paragraph one the following:
    "If you are playing a game in which the course of your ttc efforts will be decided you may NOT, at any time, change the outcome of winning and the effects on your ttc efforts."

    Looks like you didn't read your game rules before playing. *wink*wink* I hope you are doing good so far this cycle. My thoughts are with you...

  • At 7:42 PM, Blogger Cara said…

    Thanks for not disowning me!!! & thanks for the support....I didn't see that fine print Patty, so thanks for pointing it out!! Take care, Cara


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