Waiting on a Miracle

Friday, September 24, 2004

Passed First Step!

Yeah!!! I got the call that my day 3 bloodwork was fine. I start the birth control pill on Sunday along with the Lovenox injections. My next step is to get through the baseline ultrasound and bloodwork on October 20th...so I have about a month to shoot-up and be "carefree." I have to keep it all in perspective though because I got this far last time. I have to laugh as well, because October 20th is Picture Day at school. I should look awesome after having a session with the dildocam at 6 AM!


  • At 8:29 PM, Blogger Patty said…

    Yay!!! I didn't think you would know the results of your day three bloodwork so quickly. I am so glad to hear you passed your first step. Are you on birth control from today until October 20th? Are there injectables before October 20th to get your ovaries to produce eggs? I know I am getting ahead a step but was just wondering how the process works. I am praying that you only have to go through this rollercoaster once. What a day to have school pictures on. At least you only have to smile for the camera once. The other "camera" doesn't get the same angle *wink*wink*
    good luck Cara

  • At 11:27 AM, Blogger Cara said…

    You guys are the greatest friends I could ever have in cyber space!! I really appreciate your caring!! I'll be on the pill until 10/16..so it is about 3 weeks. Then the stim shots start on the 20th. Between now & then, they want my ovaries to rest, so that is why I am on birth control. I have to do the Lovenox injections now because my hematologist is afraid that I could develop a clot while on the pill. I'll also have to take the Lovenox when I am doing the stim shots because they have high doses of estrogen, which promotes clotting! So the Lovenox right now is just a precaution so that I don't die!

    Patty -- I'm waiting for an update from you. I am dying to hear about all your twinges, rps, & anything else you want to tell us! Please know that I am always thinking about you & I am so THRILLED that you finally have a little one that is sticking!!

    Janet -- I hope you have a wonderful trip & I can't wait to hear all about it. I've been very crazy with school this past month...so I haven't been on IM at all. Things are starting to become "normal" at school, so I can't wait to catch-up with you!

    Well, take care & much luv always, Cara

  • At 9:10 AM, Blogger Summer Girl said…

    I admire your positive attitude! I'm thinking of you and hoping for the best! It sounds like your off to a great start. You know, I got messed up with our first pregnancy plan and had to start over the next month. It all worked out for the best because I did get pregnant that next cycle (I hate to say month because for me its more like a month and a half :) I hope that is is the same for you... a goofed up first IVF cycle with a miracle at the end of the second! Good luck! Oh, and I have a doozie of a case load this year at school too ACK! How will we ever manage?!?! LOL

  • At 9:12 AM, Blogger Summer Girl said…

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  • At 7:09 PM, Blogger Crista said…

    Me too, me too!! Always thinking of you and sending good vibes. SO hoping that this will be it, Cara!!!!



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