Waiting on a Miracle

Saturday, October 27, 2007

27.5 Weeks

Well, I guess it is time for an update. It is hard to believe that the last time I posted was in August & now it is almost November. I am shocked that I am still pregnant & everything so far seems to be OK. I had antoher level 2 u/s a few weeks ago & the baby was growing very nicely. He/She was estimated at 1 lb.11 oz at 25 weeks 5 days. Thank God, everything seems to be fine....there were no markers or problems identified on u/s. I am still a nervous wreck regarding downs & just can't wait to know one way or the other. I love this baby regardless of it's chromosome count, but it would be nice to be prepared ahead of time if there really is a problem. (As I write this, I am thinking I should really get some books on downs & read up on it so that I am prepared. What would you do?)

I still haven't caved in & opened the envelope, although it is tempting at times! We don't have any names picked out & boys names seem to be much more difficult for us to even discuss, so it would be nice to know if we even needed to worry about it! I feel like it is a boy...time should tell!

It has been very interesting being a "Work outside the home" mom. Luckily, the twins adjusted very nicely to daycare. The first 2 weeks were hellish, but now they know the routine & seem to enjoy it! My daughter is constantly singing songs that amaze me. She knows her alphabet, the days of the week, & tonight she was singing about the months of the year! I almost fell on the floor when she said all 12 months in the correct order! My son on the other hand isn't into the songs at all! He also could careless about using the potty, whereas his sister is totally toilet trained! It really is true that all kids are so different & develop at their own pace. I must admit that it is hard not to compare & wonder if she is just ahead of the game...or is he behind! I try so hard not to think like that!

I really miss them during the day, but I like having a piece of myself back. I love my job & am very happy teaching. It is also physically SO MUCH EASIER being at work all day taking care of third graders than it is being at home with two 2 year olds! The parents of my third graders were horrified that I started the year pregnant, but they seem to be Ok with it now. My principal has had a hard time dealing with it too.....oh well! I honestly don't know what I am going to do in September. I really don't want to send a baby to daycare & is it worth working to pay tuition for 3 kids in daycare? I guess I will have to seriously look at our finances & decide from there....but again, what are your thoughts?

Well, before I go, I want to congratulate Barb & Kether. Good luck to the both of you!


  • At 9:03 PM, Blogger Christine said…

    Just finding you again and wishing you well. Congrats on the pregnancy!

  • At 12:00 AM, Blogger Patty said…

    Congrats on the u/s! What a smart little girl! I am sure your little guy knows more than he is letting on.

  • At 11:41 PM, Blogger Kether said…

    Are you really that far along already? Where does the time go?

    So glad things are still going well.

  • At 6:37 AM, Blogger Leeah said…

    It's so good to read that things are going well with the pregnancy! You are so strong not to know what gender the baby is. I couldn't do that! I'd be peeking in that envelope for sure! I'm also almost 28 weeks. The twins are moving like crazy! Not sure if I'll make it to my due date. Sounds like your daughter is pretty smart. I'm sure your little guy will come out of his little shell and be right there with her singing those songs and using the potty before you know it! When is your due date?


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