Waiting on a Miracle

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Where did the time go?

What have I been doing that has made time skip ahead?!? Well for starters, I have two VERY ACTIVE babies. They both already took their first steps & they are nearly impossible to keep contained. I have a superyard in my family room that kept them happily corralled for about a week. They currently use the superyard as a walker & move it all around the room. My daughter likes to squeeze herself into a corner, whereas my son is always headed towards the entertainment unit to swing doors open! Luckily he is still too short for the corner to hit him in the eye...but I can see that being a problem pretty soon!

Their naps have been so messed up lately. Some days they take 2 long naps, and other days I can barely get them down for one. What's worse is that some days they take a morning nap & other days they only want the afternoon nap. This makes for one crazy mamma! I try to take them for walks when this happens, but my daughter has figured out how to climb out of the stroller straps. She stands in the stroller & throws her head back for fun! Speaking of climbing, my son is an expert. He climbs the stairs in my house faster than I can! I've also caught him climbing on the new Pampers "Gifts to Grow" car. He is a chunky monkey...but very agile!

What else have I been doing?...Ahh the birthday party. You would think I was planning the gala event of the century! It took me forever to find the PERFECT invitations. I searched every internet store for something boyish...but also girlish...that has some sort of twins theme. I finally found this & added my own saying:
"Double the Cake, Double the Fun,
Sophia & Christian are turning one!"

Once I ordered the invites, I needed to figure out what kind of party we were going to have. This took forever to research because I kept changing my mind. I was having a party at my house...then I changed my mind to having 2 parties...then I was having one party at a park....then it was back to my house....then back to two parties.....FINALLY, I decided to have one party at a casual restaurant. But it doesn't end there....what would I have for entertainment? After another huge debate, I settled on a music lady who specializes in first birthdays. I'm curious to see if she is really as good as she claims to be! I am currently waiting for the RSVP's to come in so I can start my next saga of favors.

In the meantime, I did an exhaustive search for the PERFECT party decorations. If I were to start a business, I would market partywear for twins birthdays...especially catering to the boy/girl variety! Anyway, the "theme" is pink & blue 1's! Not for nothing, but what is my problem?!? Why couldn't I just choose this from the beginning & not waste so much time looking for something better?!?

The other birthday project that I've been working on is photo enlargements. I chose the best photos from each month to blow-up into 8 X 10's to decorate the party. My next project is to figure out how I am going to display them. I was thinking about using a "science fair" board like this...what do you think?I also have to finish their First Year photo book from shutterfly. I'm up to 9 months, so not too far to go!

Well, that is it for now. I can't believe they will be 1 year old next week...where did the time go?


  • At 12:22 PM, Blogger Summer Girl said…

    you should be exhausted! I'm feeling a bit inadequate on the first birthday party! The kids will have a blast! I can't believe they're ONE!! Happy birthday Sophia and Christian!! :)

  • At 10:58 PM, Blogger Patty said…

    How does something as simple as a nap get so darned complicated? I cannot imagine how rough it would be to get two down. We did a simple family party with Elmo for a theme for Josh's first birthday. I am sure the pink and blue party was great. Happy birthday Sophia and Christian!

  • At 9:51 PM, Blogger Crista said…

    I've been wondering that a lot myself...happy (belated) birthday to the twins! Wow, you really went all out. Can't wait to hear all about it!

  • At 6:54 PM, Blogger TopChamp said…

    Congrats on the babies... I've never been here before but I think your profile needs updating?

    Twins must certainly keep you busy!

  • At 9:11 PM, Blogger Crista said…

    Blogger is giving me problems commenting on your most recent post, so I hope you see this...CONGRATS Cara!!!! Can't wait to hear more details. Thinking of you and sending lots of good vibes. *hugs*


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