Waiting on a Miracle

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Equal Day!

Today is the day that my babies have been alive the same amount of time they were inside me! They are 36 weeks 4 days today...which translates to almost 8 and 1/2 months!

I can't believe time is flying by. My pregnancy seemed sooooo long, but it feels like the babies were just born! I try to cherish each day with them, but it is simply just going too fast! Crista -- I'll see what I can do about pictures....I'll try to email some news ones soon!


  • At 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Isn't it crazy?! I couldn't believe it when we hit 9 months "out of womb" -- time is going by so quickly. We're about to hit 10 months already. Can't believe it.

    Can't wait for some updated photos...would DH be amenable to a private flickr account where only logged in friends and family can see? You can upload a limited amount each month for FREE. ;)


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