Waiting on a Miracle

Friday, August 03, 2007

I'm so glad you're still here!

(Just as a side note, I started this entry on Aug. 3rd....it is now Aug. 9th. I've added extra comments in parenthesis to the original post to make this post current.)

Thanks Summergirl for the shout out! I am surprised, yet very happy that you all stopped by! Life continues to be very hectic. I had a totally boring & normal ob visit the other day.....I loved it! The baby was still alive, kicking, & with a good heartbeat. I am still in denial that there is a life inside of me.....I am shocked every time I see it on the u/s! I finally told some friends & even my boss. Luckily, he took the news of my return from a 2 year maternity leave being pregnant again with a sense of humor. I am dreading all of the comments from my co-workers, and even more so from the parents. It should be an interesting fall! (All week I've been going to school for a few hours to try and get things organized & prepared for September. I am so exhausted from trying to do everything. I am really in trouble!!! :)

I've made lots of progress with the 2 year olds. They are finally out of my bed & we are working on toilet training. My daughter had a great day today with NO accidents!!! I'm not going to officially call her "potty trained", but I am so happy that she is even remotely close! (She actually had a great week. She only wears a diaper at night & has had 2 accidents in the past week!!!) I've been spending my days in the bathroom waiting for my son to pee. He's been making progress, as a week ago, he refused to even think about wearing underwear. The past few days, he has been going through 4 to 5 pairs of underwear a day.....but at least he is putting it on! I can see that this is going to take a VERY long time for him. (He has been wearing a combination of diapers & underwear. When he wants to do it, he does it great....but there is no "forcing" him!)

Well, that is about it. Hearing about Leah with 4 under 3 makes me feel much be about 3 under 3!!!! :)


  • At 1:28 AM, Blogger Leeah said…

    Hey! Glad to hear that things are going well! WTG with the potty training. Boys are always harder than girls to train. Kristoffer did good for a week, but now he refuses to even sit on the potty. At least you have one of yours on the right track! Keep up the good work and get some rest when you can!


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