Waiting on a Miracle

Saturday, March 05, 2005

20 weeks

I can't believe I haven't posted in about a month...and I can't believe I made it another month! For starters, work has been busy & I am thoroughly exhausted at night. I usually check all the blogs daily, but never have time for comments. By 6 o'clock, I am in my pjs for the night & resting in bed. The past 2 weeks have been very tiring. School has been very demanding with state testing approaching & I am just getting HUGE (not to mention we are moving!). I have gained 25 pounds (despite morning sickness), and I look like I am seven months pregnant. I am on track for the weight gain that Dr. Luke describes in her book, "When You are Expecting Twins, Triplets, and Quads" I just hope that the babies are on track with their development. I go back on Tuesday for another level II u/s. I have a tall stool/chair in my classroom that I try to use about 50% of the time, but I am still dead from being on my feet the other 50% of the time. Therefore, I have to just lie around at night to make it through the next day!

I am very happy to post that I haven't thrown-up in a week!! I am still queazy in the morning, but not that bad! I have been feeling what I think is movement a few times a day & I can't wait for it to be more consistent. I'm still living from doctors appointment to appointment & I am thankful that I've gotten this far. However, I thought I would be more confident at 20 weeks that this was really going to happen. I am still a nervous wreck & my latest fears of pre-term labor have set in. I constantly check for leaking amniotic fluid...which I am never sure is fluid or pee! I can't wait for a cervix length check to make sure that I don't have an incompetent cervix. I'll find out on Tuesday when they are going to do this.

As for pictures, my husband flipped out when he saw me trying to post a 16 week belly-shot & u/s picture. He does not want me to give away personal information like that. I had to laugh, because who is going to recognize me from my belly! He is a bit paranoid, but I promised him I would respect his wishes! So I'm sorry to report that there will be no photos -- I would really love for you guys to see how big I am already....because it really is funny!

Well, that is it for now. I'm truly sorry I haven't been posting more frequently. I will update again after my appointment on Tuesday. Take care & best wishes!

(PS -- Congrats to Christine on the arrival of Maura!! She is beautiful!)


  • At 10:53 AM, Blogger Crista said…

    I'd be happy to fill out a personal information form for your husband to review and approve so I can get can some photos by e-mail, too!! I understand his parnoia -- but I still want to see you and your belly, damn it. :) So glad all is well -- I've been thinking about you!

  • At 9:55 PM, Blogger barb said…

    I am so happy that all is going well!! A little dissappointed that I don't get to see pics, but that's OK. You have to do what is best for you and your DH!! I can't believe you are 20 weeks. God bless you!

  • At 12:19 PM, Blogger Patty said…

    I am so happy to hear that everything is going well and that you are emerging from m/s. That is too funny that your husband won't let you post a belly shot but I guess ya have to respect his opinion. I am with the other girls....perhaps you could email the belly shot?

  • At 6:51 AM, Blogger Carol P said…

    20 Weeks! Yippie! So glad to know you're doing well. Tired, yes, but otherwise hanging in there. As you might have noticed, I'm obsessed with my privacy on my blog too (don't even use my name), so I can understand hubby's concerns about a belly shot. But, what I'm gunna do is just take a pict minus my head whenever the need arises for me. Could anyone really identify you by just your belly? Well, I'll just have to imagine it. Take care!!!


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